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VAT and Your New Business

All new companies should be made aware that, you can claim VAT on costs incurred before the business started trading This includes VAT incurred on assets used prior to VAT registration.

Subject to the normal rules on VAT deduction:

  • VAT on services received within six months of the effective date of registration (EDR) and used in the business at EDR is recoverable in full
  • VAT on stock is deductible to the extent that the goods are still on hand at EDR (for example, apportionment may be required)
  • VAT on fixed assets purchased within four years of EDR is recoverable in full, providing the assets are still in use by the business at EDR

Full recovery only applies if a business is fully taxable. If a business is partly exempt, has non-business activities or needs to restrict VAT deduction for any other reason, it will need to take that into account when calculating the amount of deductible VAT.

For further advice on Tax Compliance and VAT, contact Assured FD Services today. With over 20 years experience managing the finances of UK market leading companies, you can rely on receiving the best advice and guidance possible.